Friday, May 31, 2013

Powerful neighborhood witnessing program

Here is one of the most powerful neighborhood witnessing programs I have seen. It makes cold calling a little less cold. Canvassing or Outreach Newsletter There are many churches that are being successful in leading people to Christ through this method. The newsletter is designed to be of interest to the unchurched. The goal is to create a positive impression of your church in the community and to provide an opportunity to share the gospel with them. The idea of a canvassing newsletter is simple. You start with 4 to 8 newsletters on topics that people are interested in; such as teen difficulty, finances, handling illness and other topics people would be willing to take and read the newsletter. Then you take teams of people from your church and once a week canvas the same houses. Each time you progress through the number of newsletters. After the last week the papers are delivered, you do a follow up by contacting each of these homes. is centered on this idea. It can be helpful to visit their site whether or not you want to use their service. The outreach newsletter is similar but not necessarily followed up by a home visit. Many times this is sent to the community three to six times a year. This can be done by canvassing a neighborhood, using a mailing list or a general mailing that goes to every home in an area. This is usually a short newsletter with one to four short articles of interest, some interesting or fun stuff like trivia or humor and a short article from the pastor of the church. Many times all of the articles deal with a theme such as overcoming depression, surviving the holidays or how to make the most of summer vacations. It is also good to include basic information about your church; list of upcoming events that may be of interest, community resources that may have to do with the topic and any ministry you may have at the church that can help people with the topic. Do not make the newsletter to long, one page front and back is probably enough. Add links to other resources on your website. This is another way for them to become familiar with you.

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