Sunday, June 30, 2013

18 Ways to Ruin Your Reputation on Facebook

I have a Facebook account but I admit that I am not an avid user. Social media can be a powerful tool for outreach but there can be some pitfalls I found this article and thought it had some sage advice. I only included the points. Click on the title to see the original article with the explanation of each point. The comments on the section can also be interesting to read.

18 Ways to Ruin Your Reputation on Facebook



1. Post something out of frustration in the heat of the moment. 

2. Criticize people.

3. Embarrass yourself.

4. Embarrass your family. 

5. Criticize other churches in the community.

6. Only talk about your church.

7. Share everything posted to the church FB page. 

8 . Just talk about yourself.

9. Act like your life is perfect.

10. Act like you’re always “joyful in the Lord.”

11. Act like you have all the answers. 

12. Act like the language/morality police. 

13. Roll out the fire and brimstone. 

14. Be overly political. 

15. Engage people in debates

16. Post a lot of theological stuff that’s over your friends’ heads. 

17. Log in once every week or two. Relationships require consistency.

18. Fail to respond.

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