Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why the Missional Church Will Fail

Yesterday I was intrigued a bog title I saw, Why the Missional Church Will Fail, so I just had to read what the naysayer had to say. It turned out that it was not really a negative article at all. The author is part of the missional movement. Rather it was an enlightening article about the need for discipleship as we are missional.

I first thought when reading the post was, hey you are standing on my soap box. Jesus gave us a mission and that mission is to make disciples. I see very little talk about discipleship these days. When I do I see little action behind it.

My favorite quote from the post is "If you disciple people well, you will always get the missional thing. Always."  Another quote that hits the point, " So what is the engine of the church? Discipleship. I’ve said it many times: If you make disciples, you will always get the church. But if you try to build the church, you will rarely get disciples."

These quotes come from the beginning of the blog post there is much more meat to the blog. You can read the entire post here.

Why the Missional Church Will Fail by Mike Breen


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