Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dynamic Community Outreach:

Dynamic Community Outreach: Check out the changes to the outreach site. I have changed the format into a blog. Most days I post new ideas about ways to reach our community. Ideas include outreach events, news, social and community outreach.

by Rusty Ford

Check out the changes to the outreach site. I have changed the format into a blog. Every day I post new outreach ideas. Because it is in the form of a blog you can comment on any idea, post your own ideas or share it with others.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dynamic Community Outreach: Church Building Disability Checklist

Dynamic Community Outreach: Church Building Disability Checklist: It is important that your church be accessible to people with disabilities. There are many things that you may not think about.

by Rusty Ford

125 ways to be missional in your community

You have seen lists of how to be missional here and there across the internet. Virge Network has put together an E-book with many ways to be missional.. It is a short book but each chapter has an intro to each list.

Church Building Disability Checklist

It is important that your church be accessible to people with disabilities. There are many things that you may not think about. Here is a check list to get you started. There are some things on the list that you can not do because of existing building construction such as the width of hallways or the slope of walkways. 

There is a pretty complete checklist at the link below.